Tour Nabémba
7th Floor, Door 07.13
Brazzaville, Congo
Tel.: +242 05 589 21 97 / +242 06 664 69 65
- Increased revenue from the State budget;
- Reduction of the service of the public debt generated, amongst others, by low performance of public enterprises;
- Contribution of private capital to the Congolese economy;
- Improving the quality and efficiency of public services (water, electricity, telephone, fuel distribution, transport), previously provided by public companies;
- Development of popular shareholding in the Republic of Congo;
- Refocusing the role of the State in regulating national economy.
Legislative and regulatory framework:
Law 21-94 of 10 August 1994 on the framework law on privatization and its addendum, law 10-95 of 07 April 1995 determining second perimeter privatizable enterprises; those of the first perimeter being defined in Law 21-94 of August 10, 1994 and regulatory texts, and especially:
- Decree No. 2012-862 of 3 August 2012 reorganizing the Privatization Committee wholly or partially repealing the regulations referred to above;
- Decree No. 94-425 of 1 September 1994 laying down procedures for the implementation of the privatization of privatizable enterprises;
- Decree No. 94-426 of 1 September 1994 determining the weighting ratios between the different valuation values of public companies;
- Decree No. 94-425 of 1 September 1994 determining the level of participation of the State and other subscribers.
Institutional framework:
- Government of the Republic;
- Privatization Committee as the technical body of the government that assists it in the conduct of the privatization program.
- A decree lays down rules for the organization and functioning of privatization.
The Privatization Committee is placed under the supervision of the Minister responsible for Public Portfolio and comprises:
- A President (Minister in charge of the public portfolio);
- Two Vice Presidents (Minister of Private Sector Promotion and Minister of Labour);
- A permanent secretary;
And nine (9) members, appointed by presidential decree and representing:
- The presidency of the republic;
- The Ministry of Finance;
- The ministry of the plan;
- The Ministry of Public Portfolio;
- The Ministry of Justice;
- The Ministry of SMEs;
- The Ministry of Labour;
- The Ministry of Commerce;
- The Ministry of Industrial Development.
The Permanent Secretariat of the Privatization Committee is a technical body of the Privatization Committee which assists it in the exercise of its powers.
The Permanent Secretariat of the Privatization Committee comprises:
- A permanent secretary;
- Technical advisers, appointed by order of the Minister of Public Portfolio;
- Sectoral project officers recruited by individual contract, if necessary.
Consistency of the privatization program:
The privatization program concerns all economic sectors:
- Hydrocarbons (refining and distribution of petroleum products);
- Post and telecommunications;
- Transport;
- Water distribution;
- Electricity ;
- Insurance;
- Banks;
- Trade ;
- Agriculture and Livestock ;
- Waters and forests;
- Tourism and hotels.
For the implementation of the privatization program, companies are grouped into two distinct perimeters, namely:
- First perimeter enterprises covering major public service (Hydro-Congo, CORAF, ONPT, ATC, SNE and SNDE);
- Second perimeter enterprises, companies in other sectors such as: banks (i), forest companies (ii), agricultural and fishing industries, hotels and other businesses.
Initially piloted by international donors, through a development credit in Congo by IDA and approved in Congo by law 31-95 of 26 December 1995, reinforced by a Japanese cooperation grant and a loan from AFD, the privatization program no longer benefits from financial support.
The routine operation of the privatization committee and the program-budget of privatization operations are fully supported by the budget of the State.