Congo faces many challenges, particularly related to the reforms initiated by the Government, with the aim of restoring the economic situation of our country.
Reviving activities in all sectors of the national economy, increasing national income, reducing unemployment, improving the living conditions of everyone, giving hope to the Congolese, etc. are all challenges.
As part of the process of recovery of the national economy, the Ministry I am responsible for has the duty to share with the population what it does.
The creation of the website of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio is based on the concern for transparency, sincerity, accountability and the duty to provide accurate information. In a democracy, correct and complete information on the management of public affairs is an obligation. The culture of results and accountability is also a must.
With its tree structure, as well as its various information blocks, the site that welcomes you, is a framework of exchange presenting a wide range of information on various activities within the competences of our ministry.
Daily public information, through our different sections, is our main objective. It also requires the opinions and suggestions of the public, in order to confer on its contents, the interactive character they need.
Another challenge to take on together. Let's go!!!!!!!
Minister of State, Minister of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio
Boulevard Denis SASSOU NGUESSO
face ex Cinéma VOG
B.P. 993 Brazzaville
République du Congo
+242 22 613 4013 / +242 22 613 4014
Copyright © 2020 Ministère de l'économie, de l'industrie et du portefeuille publique