The General Directorate of Industry is the technical body that assists the Minister in the discharge of his duties in the field of industrial development.
Ministry of the economy, industry and public portfolio
first floor
Boulevard Denis SASSOU NGUESSO
face ex Cinéma VOG, P.O. 993
Brazzaville, Congo
It specifically has the responsibility to:
- Contribute to the formulation, implementation and monitoring of the Nation's industrial policy for the development of the private, mixed and public sector;
- Orient and encourage the integration of the national industrial fabric;
- Develop a balanced development of national space through the departmentalization of industrial activity;
- Regulate and control the exercise of industrial activities in accordance with industry and environmental legislation;
- Have incentives specific to each priority industrial sector;
- Promote the revitalization of training, research and development, maintenance, standardization and quality control functions in the industrial sector;
- Ensure the application of market rules while preserving the domestic industry;
- Prospect, study and promote the possibilities of the development of industrial projects;
- Promote and monitor the creation and implementation of industrial development support projects;
- Participate in the development and implementation of national and international industrialization plans and programs of the country;
- Provide technical and economic advice on the various industrial projects;
- Ensure the integration and harmonization of the national production apparatus in the context of subregional industrialization;
- Manage the human resources, material, finances and assets of the directorate general.
The General Directorate of Industry is headed and run by a Director General. In addition to the Executive Secretariat; the IT department and the unit for monitoring, control and business conditions, it comprises:
- The Directorate of Industrial Promotion ;
- The Directorate of Regulation and Control ;
- The Directorate of equipment and industrial production;
- The Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs;
- Departmental directorates;
- Industrial development support projects.
The Executive Secretariat: is headed and run by a Chief of Secretariat who has the rank of service head and he is in charge of secretarial work comprising :
- receiving and shipping mail;
- Summary analysis of correspondence and other documents;
- Typing and reproduction of correspondence and other administrative documents;
- And, in general, any other task that may be entrusted to him.
The IT department: is headed and run by a department head, it ispecifically has the responsibility to :
- Ensure the development and update of information processing resources in the industrial sector;
- Collect information in view of opening files;
- Acquire appropriate software for the processing of industrial information;
- Develop the internal IT development plan;
- Design and operate applications and data processing chains and related programs;
- Manage data banks;
- Participate in industrial IT activities both nationally and internationally;
- Develop cooperative relationships with other data banks;
- Provide maintenance, material and program security, as well as user training.
The unit for monitoring, control and business conditions: is headed and run by a head of unit who has the rank of service head and is particularly charged with :
- Internal audit of structures of the Directorate General of Industry;
- Conduct studies aimed at forecasting future developments in the areas of activity of the Directorate-General for Industry;
- Conduct all projections with the aim of defining the place and role of the areas of activity of the Directorate General of Industry;
- Develop methods of identification, forecasting and projection, with a view to predicting future developments and actions to be undertaken in the industrial sector;
- Participate in activities related to industrial sector development strategies;
- Conduct a business cycle analysis of the industrial sector;
- Prepare the negotiation of draft agreements and other international acts in the field of industry;
- Ensure the implementation and conclusions of bilateral and multilateral negotiations in the field of industry.
The directorate of the industrial promotion: is headed and run by a director, it specifically has the responsibility to:
- Participate in the design and development of industrial sector plans and monitor their implementation;
- Prospect, study and promote the development possibilities of industrial projects;
- Identify projects in the industrial field;
- Evaluate and advise on studies of industrial projects;
- Study and evaluate the industrial projects submitted by various promoters;
- Prior approval of industrial projects in accordance with the provisions of the National Investment Charter;
- Evaluate and monitor the realization of industrial projects;
- Study, in liaison with the center of the administrative formalities of the companies, the files on industrial implantation with a view to obtaining an authorization;
- Evaluate the impact of economic, tariff and fiscal measures on the development of the industrial sector;
- Prepare, manage and develop industrial promotion tools and materials, including the investor's guide, promotional films, brochures and pamphlets presenting the opportunities and conditions offered to domestic and foreign investors;
- Help promote and enhance research results;
- Work towards identifying and mastering existing technologies;
- Encourage invention and technological innovation;
- Maintain and promote relations with different institutions and international research organizations.
- The Directorate of Industrial Promotion comprises:
- The service for industrial prospection;
- The service for industrial evaluation;
- The service for authorization and industrial establishment.
The Directorate for Regulation and Control: Headed and run by a director, it specifically has the responsibility to:
- Design and develop legislation related to the field of industry;
- Control the exercise of industrial activities throughout the national territory;
- Ensure the application of existing legislation in the field of industry and the environment;
- Design and develop draft laws and draft regulations appropriate for the protection of the domestic industry;
- Participate in the design and formulation of industrial orientation and programming laws;
- Provide technical advice on draft contracts;
- Participate in liaison with other structures interested in drawing up contracts;
- Identify and punish any offence relating to the establishment and exercise of industrial activity;
- Ensure, in particular with the other structures in charge of the environment, the protection of the industrial environment;
- Ensure the prevention of major risks;
- Contribute to the development of standards and ensure their application.
The directorate of regulation and control comprises:
- The service for regulation and litigation;
- The service for environment, hygiene and industrial safety;
- The service for standards.
The Directorate of Equipment and Industrial Production is headed and run by a director, who has the responsibility to:
- Analyze the business structure and assist these companies to improve their work organization systems and the rational use of raw material;
- Design a rational supply policy;
- Promote the development and integration of industrial sectors;
- Inventory industrial production capacities and propose solutions for their rational use;
- Develop cooperation between industrial units on one hand and between these units and enterprises of other sectors of the national economy on the other hand;
- Develop studies necessary for the diversification of industrial products and the creation of new products;
- Develop industrial statistical data;
- Assist companies in the choice of equipment and industrial processes;
- Study a system of maintenance and upkeep in the industrial enterprise and contribute to its implementation.
The directorate of equipment and industrial production comprises:
- The service for agribusiness and food industry;
- The service for chemical, wood, paper, textile and leather industries;
- The service for building materials and glass;
- The service for metallurgical, metal, mechanical and electrical industries.
The directorate of administrative and financial affairs: is headed and run by a director, with specific responsibility to:
- Manage human resources;
- Prepare and execute the budget;
- Manage the heritage;
- Centralize and manage archives and documentation.
The Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs comprises:
- The administrative and human resources department;
- The Department of Finance and Heritage Management
- The archives and documentation service.
The departmental directorates: are headed and run by departmental directors who have the rank of service head. They have specific responsibility to:
- Enforce, at the local level, regulations, legislation and decisions in the field of industry;
- Animate and coordinate the actions of the Directorate General of Industry at the departmental level;
- Participate in the development of departmental industrial development plans and programs;
- Analyze and suggest any study relevant to industrial development at the departmental level;
- Study and evaluate industrial projects presented by promoters at the departmental level;
- Assist economic operators and industrial promoters in the choice and formulation of industrial projects at the departmental level;
- Identify industrial activities at the departmental level.
Each departmental directorate comprises:
- The service for Industrial Promotion;
- The service for Regulation and Industrial Control;
- The service for administrative, financial and material affairs.