The Directorate of Studies and Planning (DEP) is governed by Decree No. 2009-233 of 14 August 2009 setting the reorganization of the Directorate of Studies and Planning within ministries.
The Directorate of Studies and Planning has the responsibility to:
- Develop sector strategies and the priority action plan of the medium-term expenditure framework;
- Ensure the coherence of the strategy, the action plan and the implementation through the projects;
- Conduct any economic and financial study related to project preparation;
- Carry out all work related to the preparation of projects and programs;
- Monitor, control and evaluate ministry projects;
- Conduct all analysis and interpretation of the department's statistics;
- Participate in the oversight of the department's public procurement management;
- Conduct or commission any studies or surveys necessary to improve the quality of the public service;
- Coordinate and monitor all ministry plans and programs.
The Directorate of Studies and Planning comprises:
The Secretariat: is headed and run by a secretary who has the rank of bureau chief. It is particularly responsible for:
- Receiving, recording and shipping the mail;
- Processing, distributing and classifying correspondence and other administrative documents;
- Carrying out any other tasks that may be entrusted to him.
The service for studies: is headed and run by a service head. It specifically has the responsibility to:
- Proceed with the identification of projects and ensure the completion of studies of selected projects;
- Study and format project documents;
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Ministry's projects and programs, whether or not they are included in the public investment program;
- Centralize all data and documentation relating to projects and programs of the Ministry, executed or in progress;
- Maintain and update a database of all ministry projects;
- Follow up the physical and financial execution of the department's projects.
The service for statistics: is headed and run by a service head. It specifically has the responsibility to:
- Produce and / or centralize statistical information;
- Analyze and interpret the statistical data of the sector.
The service for planning: is headed and run by a service head. It specifically has the responsibility to:
- Develop, coordinate and monitor the Ministry’s development plans and programs;
- Define methods for programming and financing public investments;
- Lead, together with the structures involved, the development of the medium-term expenditure framework for public finances;
- Develop economic and financial forecasts;
- Develop, implement and monitor the Ministry’s programme of activity.