The National Management Centre in acronym (CENAGES) is a public administrative institution specialized in the fields of consulting and training in the management of organizations.
Behind BDEAC
Avenue Charles de Gaule
P.O. 1507 Brazzaville, Congo
Tel.: +242 06 668 96 96
Its objective is, on the one hand, to serve as a tool for producing microeconomic information enabling the State to monitor the management of public enterprises and establishments as well as local authorities, with a view to developing their performance and improving their governance.
On the other hand, in the context of missions open to competition, to assist with advisory and training activities for public and private companies, public administrations, through the dissemination and popularization of management techniques and tools to increase their efficiency and productivity.
- Advising the State, local authorities, public institutions, public enterprises and majority-owned public companies in terms of organization, methods and techniques of administrative, accounting and financial management;
- Centralize the balance sheets of companies established in the Congo;
- Provide training for public and local government officials and managers in the areas of management and management;
- Provide assistance to local communities;
- Popularize the accounting, administrative and financial framework in force with local authorities, public institutions, public enterprises and mixed economy.
- The extension of the OHADA accounting system and the accounting changeover of the OCAM-UDEAC Accounting Plan to the new OHADA accounting plan at the level of public sector companies;
- Training of thousands of government officials and officials, and public administrations in the various areas of management;
- Support for the preparation of financial statements in the majority of public enterprises (CNSS, CFCO, CORAF, ILOGS, SNE, SNDE, etc.);
- Financial and operational audits of several State-owned enterprises;
- Organization of the international seminar on GAR (Nov. 2011);
- Audit of State transfer budgets (September 2012);
- Study on the composition and organization of the new river transport company (April 2013);
- Capacity building of accounting, law and economics teachers of the Ministry of Technical, Professional and Vocational Education (August 2014);
- Audit of the invoicing of the benefits of the Autonomous Port of Pointe-Noire from 2012-2014;
- Audit of the borrowings of the Priority Investments Program of the Pointe-Noire Port Authority of 2014;
- Development of SNE Management Procedures Manuals (2014).
In response, CENAGES has some twenty experts in accounting, finance, economics, audit, management control, organization and human resources management, with more than twenty years of professional experience in consulting and training.
Similarly, CENAGES is a partner to several national and international firms, enabling it to mobilize high-level experts.