HOLLET INGOMBA Rolande Stélla | Attache to public relations, chief of protocol |
MATSIONA Jean Claude | Attache to industrial development |
OBILI Euloge Mesmin Hyacinthe | Attache to documentaries resources |
MOUDIENGUELE Emile | Attache to international economic relations |
KIHOULOU Godefroy Hubert | Attache to economy and development |
SAMBA BADILA Céline | Attache to the promotion of industrial quality |
DIASSOUKOUSSA Fidèle | Attache to the promotion of private sector |
MBAKO Jean Baptiste | Attache to finance |
Boulevard Denis SASSOU NGUESSO
face ex Cinéma VOG
B.P. 993 Brazzaville
République du Congo
+242 22 613 4013 / +242 22 613 4014
Copyright © 2020 Ministère de l'économie, de l'industrie et du portefeuille publique