About one hundred participants representing several local companies and associations took part in the first meeting organized last Friday, December 8 by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio. Four themes related to quality and innovation were developed by experienced men and women.
Open Tuesday, December 5, negotiations between the mission of the International Monetary Fund and the Congo will continue until December 20. Behind the tight curtains of ministerial cabinets, the future of Congo is at stake. IMF experts and Congolese authorities are digging the new paths of the Congolese economy through often frank and tough discussions.
"The crisis can serve as a lever which, while burying bad habits, would bring new ones conducive for progress". These words pronounced by the Minister of State Gilbert Ondongo, on the occasion of the commissioning of the Dangote cement factory, sounded like a clarion call and a rejection of fatalism.
Denis Sassou-N'Guesso commissioned the Dangote Congo cement factory on November 23 before a cheering crowd from different parts of the Bouenza department, in the presence of several national bodies and a powerful Nigerian delegation of 150 persons, including two members of the Government of the Federal State of Nigeria.
Speech of the Minister of State, Minister of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio, on the occasion of the inauguration of the DANGOTE Cement Congo factory in Yamba, on Thursday 23 November 2017
The Minister of State, Minister of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio, Gilbert Ondongo presided on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, a meeting on the industrialization of Congo attended by Gislaine Olga Ingrid Eboucka Babackas, Minister in charge of the planning.
On October 31, 2017, in N'Djamena, Chad, Gilbert Ondongo Minister of State, Minister of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio of Congo-Brazzaville, was raised to the dignity of "Grand Commander" in the order of Community merit, by the President of the Republic of Chad, President-in-Office of the Conference of Heads of State of the Community of Central African States, Idris DEBY ITNO.
Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors and Presidents of the regional institutions of the Franc Zone met on Thursday, 5 October 2017 in Paris, under the chairmanship of Mr Bruno LE MAIRE, Minister of Economy and Finance of France.
Preliminary discussions between the government of Congo and the International Monetary Fund resumed last week, after more than two months of interruption due to the elections of July 2017. For the purpose of removing all possible obstacles and prepare the files to pave the way for the conclusion of a program between the two parties, a seven-day technical mission is at work in Brazzaville.
These business leaders, representing about twenty companies located in several sectors had a working session with their Congolese counterparts, under the auspices of the Minister of State, Minister of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio, Gilbert Ondongo. They came to learn about the business environment in Congo, learn about investment opportunities in this country they did not know before, but also to establish contacts that can lead to agreements.