A workshop on macro-economic modelling is going to take place from 11-14 July 2017 in Brazzaville, in order to help Congo get more reliable economic data.
The workshop is intended for the executives of the general directorates of economy, budget, planning and tax and for the National Institute for Statistics and aims at improving the executives' capacity building in the field of macroeconomic modelling.
The training is taking place alongside with the capacity building project in statistics, future-oriented studies and planning for fighting poverty in the Republic of the Congo (Respec), which is funded by the African capacity building foundation (ACBF).
The need was expressed by the Congolese government through the Ministry of Economy. People realized that the country's economic data were either out of date or less reliable. That is why executives need to be trained in order to get new skills to enable them produce more reliable data", said Omer Pierre Claver Ivouba, the coordinator of the Respec project. The training will improve participants technical capacity building in the field of forecast and macroeconomic simulation for the drafting of the macroeconomic and budgetary frame-work.
"One of the specific aim of the seminar is to give you the necessary tools which will enable you to efficiently use the Mac-Congo model. it helps to draft the framework and the short and long term macroeconomic forecasting", said the executive director of economy, Antoine Regis Ngakegni. According to him, at the end of the training, the participants ought to master the way the main macroeconomic accounts work, to have a deep knowledge of the most common modelling and macroeconomic forecasting methods, to get better skills in updating data and drafting the analysis and summary documents relating to the national economy.
( by Christian Brice Elion, Les Dépêches de Brazzaville )