Congo gets an electronic guide for investments : www.theiguides.org/publicdocs/guides/congo ...
The guide was created at the initiative of the Agency for the Promotion of Investments (API) for use by potential investors. It became operational on January 24, 2018. By getting the tool, the Congolese Government has moved a step forward in promoting investments.
"The guide is a tool which enables to attract more investments", said Jean Raymond Dirat, Principal Private Secretary of the Minister of Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio. It is also a research and a decision making tool, and an interface as well with reliable information for potential investors. The website contains reliable information for investment in Congo. It gives investors information on the legal and regulatory framework for investment, investment chain institutions, the process for the creation of businesses and on institutional, tax and legal reforms carried out by the Government. The website also contains information on employment conditions, social security, tax, land, building permit, infrastructure (water, electricity, telecommunication, transport), economic special zones, intellectual property, investment opportunities and testimony of economic operators working in Congo.
According to the executive director of API, Annick Patricia Mongo, the platform has relevant information for "those living outside the country to better know what is being done in our country". It makes available reliable information, certified by the United Nations through the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) and the Economic Community for Africa(ECA), whose experts took part in the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of information and the interview of investors working in Congo.
The creation of the interface, the first one of the kind in the Central African region, has been made possible with the support of UNCTAD and ECA. Before working with Congo, these two UN organizations helped creating the investment electronic guide for other African French and English speaking countries like Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria and Rwanda.