Le Patriote: Mr. Minister of State, what is your state of mind when you take possession of issues of public sector portfolio, a sector with a very poor image?
Gilbert Ondongo: It's my responsibility. I have the duty to assume it at best. It is true that this is not a small responsibility, it is a group of public establishments and companies, most of them in a rather difficult state. It's up to us to make the portfolio healthier. I indicated it during the handover ceremony, it should not only be clean, but become dynamic. More than that, it now contributes to the State budget, that is to say, it brings money to the State to finance the economy.
L.P. What are you planning to do with companies that swallow billions of dollars like Ecair, but which do not prosper?
G. O: It's not unique to our companies. It's in the life of every company. It happens at home, but also elsewhere. A company in principle, is destined to prosper, but it can happen that it encounters difficulties in its course. These difficulties can be due to internal management, or an external context, or low demand. So there are a series of obstacles that can hinder a company. It is up to those who have the responsibility to manage it to be able to anticipate, to be able to put in place good policies and measures; so that the company can prosper. We will work to make it so. This is valid for Ecair, it is valid for others. The fact is that we have in mind a reform plan, a plan that is fairly committed to reform. We will do it without a qualm: companies that do not deserve to exist, simply because in the current conditions, do not need to continue existing and we shall put an end to them; but those that deserve to exist because the conditions are right, so that they can prosper once things are put back in order, we will support them.
L.P: Mr. Minister of State, to be realistic in your opinion, is it feasible to create other companies that integrate the public portfolio and allow them to contribute to the diversification of the economy?
G.O: I told you that we have a dynamic vision for public portfolio. This means that if there is a need to create a company, a public institution, because it is in line with the country's development strategy adopted by the President of the Republic in his society project, we will create the company or the public institution. However, if there is a need to terminate the life of a company or a public institution, because under the current conditions its presence is not justified, we will put an end to this company or public institution. In truth, there are no dogmas. It may be said that necessity will be law, which is to say if there is a need to create, we will create; if it is necessary to put an end to a company, we will do just that!
(Interviewed by Jules Débel)