A public administrative institution with financial and administrative autonomy, the Agency for the Promotion of Investments (API) was created by law n ° 19-2012 of 22 August 2012 and officially launched its activities in July 2014. It is administered and managed by a Management Committee and a Directorate General.
6th floor, YOKA Bernard Building
La coupole Roundabout
Brazzaville, Congo
Tel.: +242 06 668 18 86
Email: api@economie.gouv.cg
WebSite: www.apicongo.org
The API's essential mission is:
- Implement the government's investment policy through promotion and facilitation of private investment;
- Contribute to the improvement of the business environment;
- Design and promote a brand image that will attract potential investors to Congo.
A.P.I provides investors with the following services:
- Welcoming, informing and assisting foreign and domestic investors in the procedures of setting up investment projects;
- Specific assistance in obtaining the necessary residence visas for foreign personnel in Congo and authorization the implementation of investment programs;
- Support for the development of partnerships between Congolese and foreign companies;
- Support for Congolese companies in expanding their activities;
- Support for foreign investors in their research and development of growth drivers in the Congo;
- Business capacity building;
- Organization of economic and commercial events;
- Providing investors with reliable information on investment opportunities and other economic, commercial and technical information;
- Support for carrying out identification, feasibility studies, monitoring and evaluation of investment projects.